Modalities of Acupuncture & East Asian Medicine



Use of thin filiform (solid) needles into designated points of the skin to acheive energetic, emotional and physical healing.

Chinese Herbs

Use of Chinese herbs to formulate tinctures or prescriptions as an adjunct to acupuncture or on its own to achieve desired treatment goals and healing.

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Moxibustion is the application of dried Mugwort on an acupuncture point or atop an acupuncture needle to warm and nourish qi.

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Gua Sha and Cupping

Using a tool, gua sha is a scraping method of releasing muscle tension and aches. Cupping is the application of a plastic or glass cup using suction to also address muscle pain and blood circulation.

Diet & Lifestyle

Chinese dietary therapy is its own paradigm within Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Foods and exercises are recommended based on your body's symptoms and signs to aid your process of healing.

Tai Qi and Qi Gong

Both Tai Qi and Qi Gong are ways to build and enhance your energetic vitality. Movements designed to support the cultivation of your body's qi.